Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Muffined Out

Here are the stats for the last 24 hours:

Hours of sleep: 4
Muffins baked: 90
Calories consumed: approximately 200,000, possibly more
Words written: 0

As you may have surmised, delightful food editor (and food stylist extraordinaire) Kitty Crider and her photographer Amber came over today. I am pleased to report that the ceiling did not in fact cave in; the truth is, everything went great, at least from my perspective. Once I was sure my strata wasn't going to bottom out and that my muffins weren't going to implode, it was fun; Kitty has so much energy she makes me look lethargic. And that's saying something.

Best of all, my recalcitrant lemon berry souffle muffin recipe came around. I finally found a fix at 11 p.m. last night. After 72 rather spectacular failures, two bags of frozen raspberries, and two pints of fresh raspberries. I plan on taking the less-photogenic batches to a food bank tomorrow.

I'd write more, but I'm so stuffed with muffins and strata and coffeecake I'm finding it hard to move.

Melissa, the article will be in next Wednesday's Statesman.

Would love to know if someone somewhere got something written today. It would give me hope. Waddling off to bed now...


At 11:23 AM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,

90 muffins? 4 hours of sleep? Interview? No wonder you haven't gotten any writing done. Wow. I don't think I would have found time to write either.

Glad to hear all went well with the interview and that your house is still in tact. Would you be able to post a link to the newspaper for those of us who aren't in the Texas area?

Yesterday I did write, I wrote the dialogue for the new scene. The scene is just what I needed, just what the book needed. I'll be done with all the edits by the end of the week. On Sat. my writer's group meets so I have to have this finished no matter what.

Have a great day,

At 6:41 PM, March 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,
You certainly are a busy girl. I just read a few of your last blog entries (am a little behind) and I have to tell you your daughter is a riot. She's 7 years old and she said dark chocolate prevents cancer? No wonder you're a writer. Looks like you get a lot of inspiration!

At 7:30 PM, March 07, 2007, Blogger Karen MacInerney said...


Of course I'll post a link. Just don't laugh at my uncut hair. ;)

Congrats on writing... doesn't it feel good to put something right? Let me know how the group goes; I'll bet they just eat it up. :)

Take care, Debra... I'm so glad SOMEBODY's writing!


At 7:35 PM, March 07, 2007, Blogger Karen MacInerney said...

I told Abby about your comment tonight -- at first she was embarrassed, until I explained that it was unusual for a second-grader to figure out that dark chocolate was good for the heart.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Mom. I didn't figure it out, silly. I read it in a book!"

Which made me feel pretty darned good. My kids may wear mismatched socks, and perhaps we're a tad lax on the whole bathing thing (what's wrong with once a week?) but at least one of them knows her way around a book.

And yes, I get more inspiration than I need, quite frankly.

Word of the week? "Cupfolders." They're where you put your drinks, at least according to my son. :)


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