Sunday, February 25, 2007

Karen's handy wine tips

I know what you're thinking. Shouldn't Michele Scott be the one talking about wine? But believe it or not, every once in a while I do crack open a bottle... and even less frequently, I manage to open one that doesn't smell and taste like skunk-flavored vinegar. So here, for your edification, are two handy tips I've gleaned from my wine experiences of the past 24 hours:

Tip one: If you are invited to a church getting-to-know-you dinner, make sure you have something other than Il Bastardo or Menage a Trois on hand to take with you. (I didn't, and went for the Menage a Trois. Eric kept trying to pass it off as "Trinity" wine, but I don't think they bought it.)

Tip two: If you're in Sam's Club looking for a Riesling, and one of the people in blue smocks recommends a bottle with a screw top that's "a special offer" for $4.88, do not be tempted. I repeat. Do not be tempted.

I would type more, but I need to go wash my mouth out with bleach.

Oh, and word count? Zip. Zero. Nada. Zilch. The big fat O.

But tomorrow is another day...


At 1:10 PM, February 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,

First, congratulations on your Agatha nomination. How cool is that? I'm very excited for you and I hope you win!!!

Last week was the week from hell & I barely got any edits done. It's all a blur, but I did finish the edits (except for the last 2 chapters) and I began yesterday putting the changes into the computer. My goal today (I'm home today thanks to snow) is to get all the edits into the computer. Tedious, but doable. I've done four/five chapters so far (hard to tell because I cut one chapter into 2).

I guess I got burnt out last week, but last night I came up with the plot for the new series I want to write after I get this ms. out the door. Yey!

And reading about your nomination has motivated me - thanks for writing a great book.

I should get back to work.

Have a great day,

At 3:34 PM, February 26, 2007, Blogger Karen MacInerney said...


So glad to hear from you -- I was worried about you!

Sometimes life catches up with us, and it's hard to find the time, but it sounds like you've done fabulously despite it. And I do get burned out, and I do take breaks to do things like walk the trail at the lake, eat chocolates, and buy lots of expensive specialty food I will never use at Central Market. But I digress.

Sounds like inspiration's hit again... I love getting ideas for new series. It really motivates you to get your work out the door -- and to start focusing on what's next.


I'm off to work, too -- due to scheduling issues this morning, I only got a measly 500 words done. I'll check back later.

Thanks for the congrats -- we'll see what happens in May!

Write on, Debra!



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