Blog Tag!

Well, since fellow Midnight Ink author CANDY CALVERT was sweet enough to tag me, I'm going to tag her back... she's a hysterical mystery writer whose first book, Dressed to Keel, is coming out from Midnight Ink in May... if you like cruises and love a great sense of humor, check out Candy's blog. (She's also got a great web site.
And also KIT FRAZIER (another Midnight Ink author); her first mystery, Scoop, will be out in 2006 from Midnight Ink... her blog is called the Road to Publication, with lots of good and juicy tidbits... check her blog, The Road to Publication. And who else am I going to tag? Why...
SARA ROSETT, author of the soon-to-be-released Mom Zone Mysteries. Check out her fun -- and very active -- blog, or to find out more about the first Mom Zone Mystery, Moving is Murder, go to Sara's web site.
And now for fifteen random things about me and my book...
1) I like chocolate.
2) I like writing about chocolate.
3) I often eat chocolate when I write.
(break for trip to kitchen here)
4) Although I love writing mysteries, I don't read them as much these days... I guess it's because I'm always trying to analyze them!
5) Despite the fact that I love mysteries, Tolkien is my favorite author... I admire the way he created a whole universe.
6) Diane Mott Davidson is my favorite mystery author; her character, Goldy, is so real I want to invite her to coffee someday! (And enjoy some of her recipes... particularly if she bakes them instead of me.)
7) I love writing about Maine... I can escape there just by flipping open my computer.
8) Although I live in Texas, I'm really a Yankee. :)
9) I almost went back to school to become an ecologist. That's why Natalie (of the Gray Whale Inn) used to work for the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife before she threw it all up to become an innkeeper.
10) My first rule of writing? When you have an hour to yourself (or five, if you're really, really lucky, DO NOT DO HOUSEWORK.) I guess this explains my living room.
11) I almost never write at home -- instead, I go to a particular coffee shop near my house (which is attached to a great bookstore).
12) Although I am unable to keep my own house (with four people living in it) neat, I've often fantasized about moving to Maine and... you guessed it... opening a B&B.
13) I believe that the secret to writing is to continue to write. And read.
14) I have no idea what my next project will be. And I'm excited about that!
15) I'm currently re-reading Taltos by Anne Rice.
16) (bonus) I'm off to bed now!
Sweet dreams!
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