Austin Slacker (and a book release)
Yep, that's me. At least as far as the blogging's concerned. (Although I did post to Cozy Chicks on schedule last week, so that's something.)
I think everything was so busy for a couple of weeks that I wore myself out. So I took an unannounced break, got my head in order, and it seems to have worked; I've torn through 5,000 words on Wolf 2 since Monday, and hope to have the book done by the end of July so I can visit the Gray Whale Inn for a couple of months. Really looking forward to that... and please send your light recipes my way! (I'm putting Natalie on a diet. It's self-defense.)
Abby had her surgery last Friday, and we're waiting for the biopsy results (that weird mole had started to grow back, and I'm getting nervous again just typing this, so I think I'll think about other things now.)
Speaking of other things, Beads of Doubt, the book I finished for my dear late mentor Barbara Burnett Smith, came out yesterday, which means I should probably add "update web site" to the list of things to do today. I need an assistant, I think. Unfortunately, that's not likely to happen in the foreseeable future. :)
Melissa, I will cut and paste your comment today or tomorrow... hope all is well in your neck of the woods! How do you manage cleaning out garages in summer? Hot, hot, hot...
Will post as soon as I know anything on Abby... keep your fingers crossed, and hope all is well with you!
Okay, back to the werewolves...
Damn that scary mole!! I will keep my toes crossed. (Can't do fingers when you work with fire.)
Sending prayers for sweet Abby, and for Mom too.
Glad the words are coming--of course, I've never doubted you!
That's what I did when I was in Austin the weekend before last – I slacked. And I felt so much better by the time I left, but I've had the kids with me every day since then, so now I'm worn out again. Oh, well. I'm glad you gave yourself a break, and that it helped as much as it did. Glad that stuff is working, too!
I do hope Abby is okay. I'll be thinking of you.
Hi Karen,
Anxious to hear how everything is going and hoping Little Abby is okay. Let us know. I'm always thinking of you as I'm sure everyone else is too.
Judy W.
Path report came back negative, margins are clear.
We just have to do skin checks every six months, but other than that, we're all clear.
Thanks for all the support... :)
Thanks so much... and so enjoyed your most recent book. Can't wait till it hits the stands!
I am continuing to slack, evidently. I think it will continue until at least the end of August.
Although I'm hoping to finish the book I'm working on by then (only 30K words to go, hoping to finish by the end of July. Wish me luck!)
Thanks so very much... I'm convinced it's all the good thoughts that got us through!
How's your writing, btw?
Congratulations on Abby's good report. What a relief!!
Is there any chance you will pick up the Kitzi Camden series? I just finished "Beads of Doubt" and was saddened to hear of Barbara's death. It would be so nice if Kitzi would continue to have adventures to Keep Barbara's creation alive.
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