Ah, normalcy...
So nice to be worrying about age-old questions like which color laundry to wash first (Dark? Middle? Light?) rather than imagining catastrophic scenarios involving close family members.
Thank goodness.
This morning, instead of googling terrifying subjects, I'm in my office, listening to the sounds of my children playing on the street (hopefully not in the path of cars) and being thankful that we're not camping, since it rained torrentially and there was an extensive tornado watch last night. If you ever have a drought, ask me to plan a group camping trip in your vicinity, by the way. That will take care of the problem automatically.
On another note, I posted on Killer Hobbies today, on my general hobby-impairedness. Think Hefty bags and orange spray paint. It's a fun blog; I've been meaning to add it to my links section for some time. In fact, I may go do that now.
I realize I've been rather remiss re: word reporting lately. For the record, I did write another 4500 words this week despite my neuroses, putting me at about 37,956 words, or about halfway through. Not that I'm counting or anything. ;)
Thanks again for all your kind thoughts this week, and I hope your weather is as glorious as ours is now that the rain has gone!
Oh -- and if you're in the Austin area and don't have anything planned for tomorrow, please stop by and see me at BookPeople. I'll be there from three to five!
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